Sign-Up Form “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” H. Jackson Brown Jr. Thank you for supporting DECA! Please complete the background check for FISD first. Step One VOLUNTEER SIGNUP Title * Please let us know if you have obtained a degree and/or title, so we can address you correctly. III Dr. Honorable Junior Miss Mr. Ms. Other - I will notate my title in the notes. Name * First Name Last Name Home Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Please use the email that you check. Phone * (###) ### #### The questions above are about you. The next group pertains to DECA. Alumni * Are you a DECA alumni? No Yes I don't remember Interests * Please select as many as are applicable to you. Accounting Automotive Services Business Administration Business Law Business Management and Administration Buying and Merchandising Community Awareness Entrepreneurship Fashion Finance Financial Services Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Personal Financial Literacy Restaurant Management Sports and Entertainment Stock Market Travel and Tourism Chaperone - Please get a FISD background check. Donations - We can always take items and auction them or sell them in our store. Our storage space is currently limited. Fundraising Referral * How did you find us? We would love to brag about one of the students for educating someone in the community about DECA. Have you ever judged a DECA event? If so, please tell us about it. What level was it? What event? Do you recall the year? Any details are greatly appreciated. Thank You! Thank you for your time and support. Do you have any questions? Thank you! We have received your information.