Student Conduct

“Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you don’t feel like doing them.”

Julius Erving

What about my grades?


Your grades are checked at every eligibility point and prior to competition. If you are not passing, you will not be allowed to participate. We follow all UIL eligibility requirements.

What are my conduct expectations on campus?


DECA holds itself to a higher standard due to its fundamental values and ideals. Each student is expected to follow the standards for student conduct:

  • Demonstrate courtesy, even when others do not.

  • Behave in a responsible manner.

  • Exercise self-discipline.

  • Attend all classes regularly and on time.

  • Bring appropriate materials and assignments to class.

  • Meet district and campus standards of grooming and dress.

  • Obey all campus and classroom rules.

  • Respect the rights and privileges of students, teachers, and other district staff and volunteers.

  • Respect the property of others, including district property and facilities.

  • Cooperate with and assist the school staff in maintaining safety, order, and discipline.

What about event conduct?


It is not that different. You should treat all event/venue staff, Bus Drivers, Teachers, Administrators, Judges, Chaperones, Security, hotel guests, competitors, and one another with the same respect that is outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Your Advisor will go over the specific details of each event with you. Please click below to link to additional details on guidelines and expectations.

What if I don’t compete after I sign up?


Notify your Advisor immediately if you are unable to compete.

If anyone commits to competition and does one or more of the following, they will be held liable for all expenses that Independence DECA, Independence High School, and/or Frisco ISD has paid plus a 10% administrative fee for district and/or state competition:

  • Does not test for any reason (there are no make up exams)

  • Does not turn in a correctly formatted written component on time

  • Does not attend all required meetings

  • Does not dress appropriately for DECA events

  • Fails to show up on time to leave for the event

  • Does not meet UIL guidelines

  • Does not follow all expectations for conduct as outlined or asked by any event staff

  • There are no excused absences

  • Is disqualified from competition or unable to compete for any reason

What are the potential consequences?


All campus rules and expectations are extended to off-campus events. If you do not follow event rules, potential consequences could include, but not be limited to:

  • Administrative consequences on campus

  • Reimbursing IHS DECA, IHS, and/or FISD for my and/or my team’s meal stipend and all travel expenses plus a 10% administrative fee

  • Paying for any damages that are caused

  • Being disqualified from the competition

  • Being sent home at an additional expense

  • Being permanently banned from joining DECA

  • Criminal charges

  • Disbarment of the entire IHS DECA chapter

Where can I find additional information regarding conduct?


If you ever have any questions, please ask you advisor.


All campus rules and expectations are extended to off-campus events. You can find those rules and requirements in the following documents: