If you want to have a lasting influence on the world, you must invest in people’s lives; and if you want to maximize that investment, then you must invest in those people while they are young.
George Barna
Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Leverage Brand Exposure While Supporting A Worthy Cause
Independence High School DECA has been an active part of the local community for since it first opened its doors. Students involved in DECA learn and utilize real world marketing and business concepts to help them find their passion and increase their future employability. Independence DECA members focus on community service, professional growth, leadership, and business skills. In addition, members have the opportunity to compete at the local, state, and international level by responding to realistic business and marketing situations using their knowledge and creativity to present to a real business professional.
To help our students on their professional journeys, we rely on the support of our local sponsors. We use our sponsors’ donations to help fund student competition and conference fees, as these expenses can exceed $1,500 each year per student. Our goal is to give every student the option to participate, regardless of cost.
To show thanks towards our sponsors, we utilize our members, website, and our social media channels. Each sponsor, silver level and above, is printed on the back of our member t-shirts. Our members wear these t-shirts during local community service events, at conferences across the state of Texas, and during numerous social outings. With over 100 members, it adds up to a lot of views! We also include our sponsors on our chapter website. Finally, we have a “Stakeholder Sunday” every Sunday where we post a picture of the partnership, a description of the business, and thank our sponsors for their support on all of our social media platforms.
Independence DECA values the importance of building relationships with business sponsors. With the help of these sponsors, we aspire to develop thousands of emerging student leaders.
While different sponsor levels are identified above, any amount helps! Whether it’s $500 or $25, it goes directly to a student who is working on building their skills outside of their standard classes. Independence DECA is a not-for-profit student organization.
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