"You will be competing with others from around the world, but most importantly you will be competing against yourself. All we expect for you to do is your very best, to push yourself one second faster, one notch higher, one inch further."

Ronald Reagan

Study Guides

There are study guides for each cluster. Please check with your advisor.

21st Century Skills

Before jumping in and focusing on your role play's event situation, it is helpful to first glance at the role play's Performance Indicators and 21st Century Skills. With all of your previous studying, viewing the Performance Indicators before reading the case study will allow you think of ways to integrate your performance indicators into your role play's solution. While 21st Century Skills are important to hit, they do not need as much attention as Performance Indicators, as well developed solution to your event situation will most likely display the skills listed.

21st Century Skills

  • Critical Thinking – Reason effectively and use systems thinking.

  • Communication – Communicate clearly

  • Creativity and Innovation – Show evidence of creativity

Performance Indicators

  • Describe techniques for obtaining work experience.

  • Distinguish between economic goods and services.

  • Describe the functions of prices in markets.

  • Explain the principles of supply and demand.

  • Explain the concept of competition.

Sample Exams

Please ask your advisor for additional resources.

Once you have gained confidence in the exams, please use the online practice exams that are similar to what you will use for competition. You need to read the Student’s Guide To Online Testing - D7 first. Then, proceed to the D7 Online Testing Site. There are instructions here if you need assistance. Best of luck!

Sample Role Plays

Please ask your Advisor for additional resources.


Mr. Sapp is the reining DECA Quizlet Boss and he is in D7. Please pull up his profile and use his cards. They are an excellent resource.

If you are unfamiliar with Quizlet, you can search by subject in the search bar. Then, click on “Study Set” and “View All”. Next, go to the filter section and choose “Teacher”. Please stay away from anything that is rated below 4.5 stars.

Please Note - It is impossible for us to check all of these cards for accuracy due to time constraints; however, we have spot checked them for accuracy.

If you find ONE card in a set that is inaccurate, please alert your Advisor immediately via the link provided. Please print your screen to a pdf or jpg showing the card’s front and back. Please ensure that the website address is available as well. Thank you for looking out for one another.

We are only as strong as the weakest member of our team, so it is important to lift one another up.

Books & Textbooks

Some of the texts are on Cengage, but they are only available if you are enrolled in the corresponding class(es). Their description(s) will have the same or similar statement as below:

This product is included in a Cengage Unlimited subscription. Subscribe to Cengage Unlimited for all your Cengage access codes on platforms like MindTap and WebAssign plus the online version of your textbook for one price per semester.

They are not required reading. The top group has been selected because they were written with DECA competitors in mind, while the group on the bottom contains favorite books on public speaking from business professionals..

Special Requests?

Whatever it is, we can’t add it if you don’t ask.