“Women’s rights are an essential part of the overall human rights agenda, trained on the equal dignity and ability to live in freedom all people should enjoy.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“Take things one step at a time and cherish every moment that comes with it. Time truly flies by fast.”

Induja Asthigiri

Induja Asthigiri, Class of 2022

Who was your DECA Advisor? Todd Chiles

Were you an officer? I was the VP of Leadership & Competition 2021-2022.

What college, university, or trade school are you currently attending? The University of Texas at Dallas

What is your major field of study? Biochemistry, Pre-Medical Track

How has or did DECA help you at your college, university, or trade school? Participating in DECA throughout high school taught me many core values needed to be successful in the world, including confidence, compassion, and resourcefulness. I have been able to apply my speaking and presentational skills learned from DECA Competitions from basic presentations for a group project to presenting in front of many accredited professors and graduate students in my field of study for a symposium. Because of DECA, I am very comfortable to connect with faculty members on campus for various professional events and collaborations as a current first-year student. The skills I learned as an officer, including leadership and time-management, have been amazing talking points as I explore leadership positions at UTD.

What is your favorite DECA memory? Advancing to ICDC 2021 — To be completely honest, I did not think I would advance. With the unpredictability that came with the COVID-19 Pandemic and the competition being virtual, I did not think our submission was good enough to qualify for the highest level of competition that DECA provides. So, imagine my surprise when my name appeared on the screen next to the Innovation Plan Event. I was overjoyed! Sure, the competition was virtual, and I didn't get to go anywhere except within the walls of my home, but this moment was the happiest I had felt throughout my experience in IHS DECA.

What advice do you have for current members? What would you tell yourself if you could go back? Advice for current members — be active participants! DECA has so much to offer in comparison to some other organizations on the IHS Campus. From the Knights Market, volunteering events, competitions, and team hangouts, there are so many things you can get involved in to make your time in DECA worthwhile and ensure some good high school memories. If you are looking to join the leadership group, active participation is a crucial thing that is taken into consideration. Also, utilize your officers for any questions you have earlier on! The Officers are highly trained in their area of expertise and are there to make your time in DECA as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

What I would tell past me — enjoy in the moment. Don't put it on yourself to do everything all at once. Take things one step at a time, and cherish every moment that comes with it. Time truly flies by fast.

What are your plans for the future? I plan to apply to medical school in my last year as an undergraduate, with the hopes of gaining admission within my first cycle of applying. After medical school, I want to pursue a residency/fellowship in cardiology.

What are your career goals and aspirations? How have they changed since you graduated? I aspire to become a medical professional, specifically a cardiologist. My goals have not changed since I have graduated high school. I am highly determined to meet my goal of becoming a doctor. My choice in specialty could shift as I delve deeper into my higher educational career, but the career itself remains the same.